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Business Smarts WEBINAR: Goal Setting & KPIs for Success with Robert Scott

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This is a virtual webinar held on Zoom.

Are you the owner of a small or medium sized business that produces a great product or service, but aren’t sure how to move on to the next step of development?

Are you aware that performance measurement can help you to set clear and measurable goals, but are confused about KPI’s, OKR’s, metrics, Critical Success Factors, Goals, Targets and Initiatives?

If so, then please join us for a Kelowna Chamber of Commerce seminar with 2M Performance Measurement Specialist Robert Scott to find out why the largest and most successful companies use this essential skill to guarantee success and profitability.

In the seminar you will learn how to:

  • Set goals that are clearly stated, measurable and realistic
  • Establish measures that indicate whether or not you are going to achieve your stated goals
  • Use a variety of business tools that will enable you to analyze and display the data you gather
  • Cut waste and focus only on activities that are essential to success
  • Engage your workforce in a way that drives their loyalty and enthusiasm

Although the likes of Google and Microsoft use vast and expensive performance departments the process they use is scalable and can be applied in even the smallest businesses. That means that you can inexpensively arm yourself with one of the essential skills that will help you climb the ladder of success.

About the Presenter:

Robert Scott, 2M Performance

Robert Scott initially trained as a mechanical engineer where he learned process control and performance measurement and continued to use it in the military, the aviation industry, non-profit environment and as a consultant. He formed 2M Performance in order to assist SME’s engage with this important business skill. Robert has worked in the UK, Europe, South East Asia, the Middle East and North America. He and his wife Marilyn live in the Okanagan and are both active in the local community.

Cost: COMPLIMENTARY for Kelowna Chamber Members | $20 for Future Members

This training is being offered at no cost to Members and a reduced rate for future Members, thanks to the generous support of 2M Performance - thank you Robert Scott!

Advanced registration is required. The webinar link will be included in your confirmation email.



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