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Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique

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An active presence in economic development

The Société de développement économique (SDE) de la Colombie-Britannique is a francophone non-profit organization working in the economic sector throughout British Columbia.


The creation, preservation and enhancement of the francophone and Francophile community, with services and activities that foster the economic development of British Columbia.


The SDE represents the interests of the economic sector of the francophone and Francophile community by supporting development in the sphere of business, by fostering entrepreneurial activity amongst francophone business people, and by ensuring the flow of economically pertinent information within the community.


The SDE plays two main roles:

  • Provides services to business
  • Fosters community economic development.

Client Base

The SDE provides services of an economic nature:

  • To business operators and future business operators
  • To recent arrivals in the community.
Bruno Baumgartner
Audrey Conte
Mylène Letellier
Member Since: 2017
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 (Date: 2/14/2025)